Monday 1 February 2016

Substance Painter/Designer

I recently decided to start using Substance Painter and Designer to try and learn how to create procedural textures and materials, as this is becoming the industry standard, especially for AAA studios.

Using Substance designer I managed to create a procedural brick texture. Once it's made you can easily adjust the setting of it such as: The normal controlling the brick height, The level of surface detail, how many bricks are in each tile and the colour of the bricks. This means that it is really easy to reuse this for other projects as I can really change the look of it and have different variations within a minute or so. Here is the final texture in Unreal 4:

And here are the separate maps:





Ambient Occlusion:

I'm quite happy with how it looks. To improve it I would add more variation into it such as cracks, chipped corners and have some bricks looks more elevated than others.

And here is the Substance Designer graph:

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