Tuesday 2 February 2016

Creating Soundwaves

For our game, the main mechanic is that every step you take and any noise you make releases a soundwave. I decided the best way of creating it would be to use the material editor in Unreal 4.
After doing some research and watching a few tutorials I made this material:

There are a few different nodes that easily allow you to change the way the sound waves work such as the width of each wave, the amount of waves and the speed of them. Here is a shot of it in game reacting to the characters movement.

It's pretty hard to show it properly on the blog but this view is looking down at the characters feet from first person. As you walk the rings radiate outwards and fade out. Depending on whether you are walking or running the waves will radiate further before fading out. This can be reused on objects that we are able to pick up and throw.

the next step for this material will be to try and give it a watery/wavy look rather than just bold blue rings.

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