Tuesday 9 February 2016

Art test Mausoleum

Some good news arrived. I just got given an art test by a game company. (Not going to say who just case they don't want people to know what their test is before applying.) They have given me a week to create a Victorian era Mausoleum. I am pretty much free to do whatever I want with the design, the only limits I have are 10,000 polys, a 2048x2048 Diffuse texture ( along with 1024x1024 supporting maps) and for the model to be smaller than 6 metres length, width and height in real life scale (Roughly).

To start I collected some resource images.

and there were many more. The main things that seem to be characteristic of Victorian Mausoleums are archways, crosses and a sloped roofs. I will integrate these three things into my design. 

I will start by created a base mesh in Maya. 

This is not completely finished, the front is a bit bare at the moment but I am happy with the overall design. I tried to keep it fairly simple as id rather do a really good job of a simple design than do a bad job of an elaborate awkward model. 
After finishing this the next stage is to import it into ZBrush to really bring it to life.

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