Friday 29 January 2016

Looking for inspiration

After deciding our game idea, as an environment artist my job was to find inspiration for what the world will look like. I created a Pinterest board that we could all post to and share our ideas.

We had already decided that it would be set on a Planet similar to Mars. So we started with that in mind. We found all sorts of reference images both from real life and concepts. Here are a few examples of reference images we found for the Planet/factory, to give you an idea of the direction we are taking.

And here are some examples of inside the factory. I thought it would make sense that the factory is mining some kind of mineral or smelting materials so there will be a lot of molten pools and robotic machinery.

But at the same time, parts of the building such as the reception and the offices will be quite nice and stylish, as that's the part that public visitors will see.

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