Sunday 1 June 2014

Stone Dragon Concept

Completion Time: Approximately 5 hours

This is a piece I made in my first year on the course. It was the first fully finished Digital painting I had ever made and the first painting that i was truly proud of. The brief for this was to design a game concept based on the art and design of a game company. We chose Team Ico who created Shadow of the colossus and Ico. We were in groups of 5, A concept artist, 2 3D artists, a storyboard artist and a level designer. My role was the concept artist.

the game is set in Medieval Japan with a lot of snowy mountains and countrysides. The majority of the game however, would be set inside a gigantic cave which giants/dragons would live inside. This, and the fact that Shadow of the colossus is all about enormous monsters is what influenced the design of the Stone dragon. Design-wise I think it is very similar to the design in shadow of the colossus and I am very happy with how it turned out.

Here are some more concepts i made for this brief:

This is the entrance to the cave, it is at the top of a huge staircase leading up the entire mountain. 

This is the countrysides leading up to the mountains. 

Overall this was a very fun brief and i learnt a lot about digital painting.

Feedback and critique is very welcome

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